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IGOTT 第六版 船岸檢查表

1. Ship Certificates & Documentation


l Documentation: Are all necessary ship's certificates (such as nationality certificate, seaworthiness certificate, safety certificate, etc.) complete and within the validity period?

2. Safety Equipment & Facilities

l 安全設備:救生艇、救生筏、消防器材等是否齊全并處于良好狀態?

l Facilities: Are safety equipment such as lifeboats, liferafts, and fire-fighting equipment complete and in good condition?

3. Environmental Protection & Pollution Prevention

l 環保與防污染:船舶是否配備必要的防污染設備,并遵守國際和國內環保法規?

l Prevention: Does the ship have the necessary pollution prevention equipment and comply with international and domestic environmental regulations?

4. Hull Structure & Maintenance

l 船體結構:船體結構是否完好,無明顯腐蝕或損傷?

l Maintenance: Is the hull structure intact, with no significant corrosion or damage?

5. Fire Fighting & Life Saving Appliances


l Appliances: Are fire-fighting equipment complete and effective, and are the crew familiar with their use?

6. Crew Training & Qualification


l Qualification: Do the crew members hold valid certificates of competency and have undergone necessary safety training?

7. Cargo Handling & Stowage

l 貨物裝卸:貨物的裝卸是否符合安全規范,積載是否合理?

l Stowage: Are cargo handling operations conducted in accordance with safety standards, and is the stowage reasonable?

8. Navigation & Communication Equipment

l 航行設備:導航設備是否工作正常,通訊設備是否暢通?

l Equipment: Are navigation equipment operating normally, and are communication devices functional?


IGOTT Sixth Edition Ship-to-Shore Inspection Checklist

1. Ship Certificates & Documentation

l Ship Certificates: Are all necessary ship certificates (such as nationality certificate, seaworthiness certificate, safety certificate, etc.) complete and within the validity period?

l Documentation: Is the documentation including all essential ship certificates (e.g., certificate of nationality, seaworthiness, safety, etc.) up-to-date and valid?

2. Safety Equipment & Facilities

l Safety Equipment: Are lifeboats, liferafts, and fire-fighting equipment complete and in good condition?

l Facilities: Is the safety equipment including lifeboats, liferafts, and fire-fighting appliances in good condition and fully equipped?

3. Environmental Protection & Pollution Prevention

l Environmental Protection: Does the ship have the necessary pollution prevention equipment, and comply with international and domestic environmental regulations?

l Pollution Prevention: Is the vessel equipped with essential pollution prevention equipment and adheres to international and domestic environmental regulations?

4. Hull Structure & Maintenance

l Hull Structure: Is the hull structure intact without visible corrosion or damage?

l Maintenance: Is the hull structure maintained in good condition, free from visible corrosion or damage?

5. Fire Fighting & Life Saving Appliances

l Fire Fighting Equipment: Are fire-fighting appliances complete, effective, and are the crew familiar with their operation?

l Life Saving Appliances: Are life-saving appliances including fire-fighting equipment complete, effective, and crew members well-trained in their operation?

6. Crew Training & Qualification

l Crew Training: Do crew members possess valid certificates of competency and have undergone necessary safety training?

l Qualification: Are the crew members appropriately qualified with valid competency certificates and have they undergone required safety training?

7. Cargo Handling & Stowage

l Cargo Handling: Are cargo handling operations conducted in accordance with safety standards, and is cargo stowage reasonable?

l Stowage: Are cargo handling and stowage operations conducted safely and in accordance with international regulations and best practices?

8. Navigation & Communication Equipment

l Navigation Equipment: Are navigational aids operational, and are communication devices functional?

l Communication Equipment: Are navigational and communication equipment operational and fully functional, ensuring safe navigation and communication at all times?

Please note that this isa basic checklist and may require additional specific items depending on the type of vessel, its operation, and the local or international regulations applicable. It is essential to refer to the specific regulations and guidance provided by the flag state, port state, and any relevant international conventions or agreements when conducting a ship-shore inspection.

1. Ship Certificates & Documentation

l Ship's Certificates: Are all required ship's certificates valid and up to date, including but not limited to the International Tonnage Certificate, International Load Line Certificate, and Safety Construction Certificate?

l Documentation: Is the ship's documentation complete, including records of maintenance, repairs, inspections, and training?

2. Safety Equipment & Facilities

l Safety Equipment: Are all safety equipment, such as lifeboats, lifejackets, fire extinguishers, and emergency lighting, present and in good working condition?

l Safety Facilities: Are the ship's safety facilities, such as escape routes, ventilation systems, and emergency shutdown procedures, functional and regularly maintained?

3. Environmental Protection & Pollution Prevention

l Pollution Prevention: Does the ship comply with environmental regulations, including those related to the discharge of oil, sewage, and garbage?

l Environmental Protection: Are measures taken to minimize the ship's environmental impact, such as the use of clean fuels and energy-efficient equipment?

4. Hull Structure & Maintenance

l Hull Condition: Is the hull in good condition, free from corrosion, and regularly inspected and maintained?

l Maintenance Records: Are maintenance records complete and up to date, including records of repairs, painting, and coating?

5. Fire Fighting & Life Saving Appliances

l Fire Fighting Equipment: Is the fire-fighting equipment, including extinguishers, hoses, and fixed systems, operational and regularly inspected?

l Life Saving Appliances: Are life-saving appliances, such as lifeboats, lifejackets, and emergency breathing systems, complete, functional, and regularly maintained?

6. Crew Training & Qualification

l Crew Training: Have crew members received proper training in safety procedures, emergency response, and the operation of safety equipment?

l Qualification: Do crew members possess the necessary qualifications and competency certificates for their positions, and are they familiar with the ship's safety systems and equipment?

7. Cargo Handling & Stowage

l Cargo Handling Procedures: Are cargo handling procedures followed strictly, ensuring the safe loading, unloading, and stowage of cargo?

l Stowage Safety: Is cargo stowage safe and secure, preventing any potential hazards or damage to the ship or cargo?

8. Navigation & Communication Equipment

l Navigation Equipment: Are the ship's navigational aids, such as radars, compasses, and automatic identification systems, functional and properly calibrated?

l Communication Devices: Are the ship's communication devices, including radios, telephones, and satellite communication systems, operational and secure?

This checklist serves as a general guideline and should be customized to fit the specific requirements and regulations applicable to the ship and its operations. Regular ship-shore inspections, conducted by qualified personnel, are crucial to ensure the safety and compliance of ships and protect the marine environment.

作者:wangcap 錄入:wangcap 來源:原創

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